Friday, March 12, 2021

Cleaning Glass (DIY) - tips from the Resellers - Window Washers!

These are glass wiping techniques refined to:
  • Smartphones
  • Tablets
  • TV screens etc ...
The official advice is to use a dry, lint - free cloth ~ and remember people do wipe their phones on the flats of their clothes often! 



  1. With regards to the cloth:
    1. You use a better cloth - a normal microfiber cloth or even premium or high-end microfiber cloths:
    2. You can wipe your phone, dust or vacuum the cloth  and wipe your phone again
    3. You can wipe your phone and use soap and hot water to rinse out the cloth, wring it dry and wipe it again! 
    4. You can use household cleaners & water (such as mentholated spirits, bleach or window cleaner) on the cloth - not directly on the phone - let the chemicals dry a bit before giving your phone a wipe
    5. Tissue paper is also good! It's a very soft paper. 
  2. High grade, fast drying cleaning alcohols can be very useful:
    1. No need to pay a premium for the sanitised alcohols from the pharmacy
    2. Not so much of a blunt instrument as the household grade alcohols (e.g. mentholated spirits)

If you need to know more about higher grades of alcohols you can start doing a lookup on the higher number of carbon bonds ... 

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