Thursday, November 12, 2020

iPhone Contacts to Excel (for your Data Quality)

If you want to fix the Data Quality of your iPhone Contacts (and hopefully one day not use your iPhone as a master Address Book):

Outlook (Windows App) is much more comfortable for all your Data Quality, and if you really need to you can go to Excel (on Windows) !!

Couldn't get [iCloud on Windows] going:

I couldn't actually get the syncing on my iDevice TO iCloud TO Outlook ~

I think this may have been most likely due to not using Apple exclusively for e-mail, smart phone contacts ...


Using iCloud for the Web

This diagram summaries a sequence of Importing and Exporting into various data sources and / or flat file formats. 



A few handy tips:

  1. Using Outlook tends to do a better job of keeping the formatting than using a straight
    Google Contacts -> .csv or vCard
  2. Using Labels in Google Contacts to get around having to create a brand new Google Account just for importing iPhone vCards.


Give opening .vcf files in Visual Studio a try;

Friday, November 6, 2020

... Sending vCards back to your iPhone

If you get stuck have a quick Google of
"Import vCards to iPhone"

Likely the easiest or most common way: Via iCloud (Web)

This is essentially the reverse of the steps outlined in the future post:


Hence you can take your clean up Contacts from Excel / Outlook / .csv back onto your iPhone via VCF files.


So YES, you can get your iPhone Contacts into Excel, clean them up and push them back onto your phone again! 


DIY ~ More Cookware cleaning at home (with lids)

Adding on to this future tip: If you use lids for the ...